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Career Possibilities

Advanced study

Students graduating from MMD are entitled to apply for not only MMD M.S. but also other research fields including transports, management, electric machinery and mechanics domestically and overseas.

Career Opportunities

The domains in which the MMD graduates can contribute the specialties include the shipping industry, shipping related governmental agencies, naval architecture and systems engineering, ship brokers, finance and maritime related educational institutions.

The posts range from deck officers, masters and pilots to port personnel, ship brokers, shipping management personnel, surveyors, marine insurance personnel, ship construction supervisors, maritime arbitrators, ship owners, lecturers and professor in maritime related educational institutions and academic fellows in the related research centers.

It is worthwhile to note that the Deck Officer Exams held by the government during the period of 2016 and 2017, MMD is in the first position among all maritime related educational institutes in terms of the number of persons qualifying, comprising of 62.1%.

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